Hello there! You're just in time for Shoot 'em Up/Fatherhood Friday. If you are new to my blog, you might not be familiar with "Shoot 'em Up Friday (or, SEUF, as I call it for the sake of brevity), so let me explain: I work with guns. I am a Senior Firearms Instructor for a feder*al L#aw enfor*cem**ent agency. My job is demanding, but it's really a lot of fun... if you like guns, that is. SEUF is a semi-regular event here at my blog, but I haven't posted a Shoot 'em up in a while, so I thought that I would use Fatherhood Friday and sort of mash the two concepts together. Basically, SEUF consists of me talking about a certain aspect of fighting with guns or what ype of firearm or caliber of ammunition will do what against certain materials. If you have an interest, you may learn something... or you just might have a little fun. Go here, and here, to see just two examples ofwhat I am talking about with previous installments.
So... some of you dads (and the women that love us), might enjoy a little discussion about firearms, and today, I don't want to talk about a particular weapon, I want to talk about an accessory. Now, hang on a second, I'm not talking about some sort of fashion adornment here... I'm talking about the attachment of a piece of equipment that might help a police officer stay alive, while he/she holds the line against the forces of darkness.
Today, I want to talk about the GPS Grip Pod, which is a spring loaded tactical bi-pod for rifles that are equipped with Picatinny Pails on them. Not terribly long ago, I reviewed a rail mounted bi-pod system that I didn't like at all, but the Grip Pod is a great idea, and a thoroughly useful piece of equipment.
Have a look at this:
There you are: Fun with the M-4 rifle, and my first testing of the Grip pod bi-pod system! Now tell me that wasn't fun!
This is the target that I shot in the video.
Please note that these rounds were grouped just slightly lower than center mass. The reasoning for this intentional shot group, is that people tend to stop fighting you when their guts are being turned into hamburger, and tactically speaking, if your opponent is down and screaming or gurgling in their own blood (yeah, I know, gruesome), he/she is less likely to be trying to kill you.
Another desirable shot grouping is to place your rounds in the upper chest, slightly beneath the neck/throat, thereby interdicting the airway. Head shots are nice, but generally, unless we are talking about snipers, they are the stuff of badly made movies.
Even though headshots aren't always optimal, sometimes a headshot is all you have available to you. When that is the case, you've just got to do what you've got to do.
I hope that you have enjoyed this... the first amalgamation of Shoot 'em Up Friday, and Fatherhood Friday. I am almost certain that next week, Fatherhood Friday will be a stand alone effort, but... you just never know with me. What can I tell you?
Be nice to each other!
Well, dads?, what say you?"