Plans are made, disguises set,
drug-dealing scum, unknowing yet.
They ply their trade in darkest night
time now to shed, justice's light
They ruin children, destroying lives
cause bitter tears in mother's eyes
They poison our society,
and make things bad for you and me.
There are those who will make a stand,
to spread safety across the land.
Sometimes in blue, or green or gray
daily they stand in danger's way.
They drive patrol cars, walk a beat,
they do their duty in cold or heat.
Sometimes in uniform, some undercover,
with unflinching support for one another.
Plans are made, disguises set,
back-up as tight as it can get.
"Let's take 'em down", the Captain cries
the task-force team all share high fives.
The meet is made, the buy goes down
our man sees bad guys around.
surrounded by his enemies,
just like a soldier over seas.
The disguise falls through, a bad guy knows him!
He tries to run, but others trap him
He calls for help with his radio,
his nearby back up is too slow.
Shots ring out, and vermin scatter,
shell casings fall with a final clatter.
The radio squawks, the cop can't answer
his friends arrive to see what's the matter.
They find their comrade, stone cold dead,
from several gunshots to the head.
Another hole in the thin blue line.
This story could be a comrade's or mine.
Cops do their jobs because it's right
to break the darkness with the light.