I have several things to post today… mostly because the week is almost over and I have lots of pics to clear off of my device, so buckle up.
This is a picture taken at sunrise, yesterday. The building is where I work. Nice non-descript place, isn’t it.
A view of part of my neighborhood as I left the house on the way to work the other day. I know, I know… enough with the sunrise stuff alright?! Sue me, I like a pretty sunrise.
This is a photo of “Hazel’s Café”, located on St. Simons Island, in Glynn County, Georgia. It sits directly across from the time-share where we usually spend a few days of our summer vacation. Hazel’s is one of those places on the island that I always wondered about, so I decided to learn a few things.
I am not sure when the café closed, but there is a record that a liquor license (beer, on-premises only) was issued to the café as late as 1983-84. The café’s original proprietor, Hazel Floyd, owned and operated the business, which was part of the once-thriving African American business community on St. Simons, and passed it on to her children. Mrs. Floyd’s children sold the property to a St. Simons resident who has vowed to keep the place the way it looked circa the 1950’s.
The moon, rising over Wegmans grocaery store, Woodbridge, Virginia, Sept. 2009
A picture of poor, long-suffering Charlie, who tries to remain dignified no matter how often Soccer Girl dresses him up, makes him hear hats, or in this case, the tie-dyed babushka.
Cinderella’s Castle at Disney World. Those dark clouds not only threatened rain, but delivered it in spades shortly after this picture was taken in the summer of 2009.
A certain child that I know very well, made this poster for the church play that she was part of a month or so ago. I was sitting at a table in our fellowship hall, trying not to doze off while said child was at play rehearsal when I noticed certain.... irregularities.
Well, I reckon that is enough for now… aren’t you glad you stopped by? I know that I am glad you were here.
Have a nice weekend, everyone. Take a few minutes to do something nice for someone, just because it’s nice.