Words are powerful.
Words can move nations. Words can effect change.
Words can seduce a lover, soothe a frightened child, or cause happiness, or even gales of laughter.
Words can produce sadness. Words can cause pain. Words can even be used to cause a war.
Words are powerful.
I don't know what the young woman in this photo is saying. From some of the visual clues that I can see, it looks like it could be an
“open mic” night at a pub or coffee house. I don’t know if she is a singer, a poet, or some sort of essayist. Perhaps she is only introducing an act. She seems to be using notes to either read from or for reference, but the look (that I can barely see) on her face is one of passion. Not necessarily romantic passion, but of deep emotion. The kind of emotion that can only come from the soul.
What is she saying?
What does she feel?
Why does she sit there, speaking her words... HER words... to other people, most of whom, it can be assumed, are strangers? She must have something to share. Something deep inside of her that she needs to express. As I said, she looks like a passionate person.
If she speaks of peace, it is most appropriate, particularly in today's world, where there are wars and rumors of wars running rampant. From little "brushfire" wars to wars of national conquest. Wars for liberation and wars for domination. Wars for security, wars for resources, wars for religion... wars for "peace".
(No, I couldn't say that last part with a straight face, either)Speaking out, pleading, for peace is serious stuff. It can't be brushed off. It must be heard, if not always heeded. What are we made of?... who do we honor?... what kind of people are we, if the voices for peace are denigrated, scorned, or dismissed?
What does it say about our national character when people who call for peace are ridiculed? or are called
"traitors" What does it say about our leadership when our leaders will lie about a
Causus Belli? Not anything good, that’s certain. When our leaders will lie to start a war, and then continually change the goals of said war, can we believe them when they tell us anything else? Can we believe them when they tell us their hopes for peace?
Of course not. You can’t believe them, because they are the worst kinds of liars. They are the kind of people who will lie to your face because they believe, in the darkness of their own hearts, that most people are just stupid enough… or at least gullible enough to buy their lies, just so they can seem patriotic. Not the sort of patriotism borne of a true love of country... the patriotism that makes you swell with quiet pride when you hear the national anthem. I’m talking about an ugly sort of patriotism. The kind of patriotism that is more jingoistic that patriotic. The kind of patriotism that makes you shout
"USA USA" at the top of your lungs, like some macabre cheerleaders, as our troops engage in battle.
The kind of patriotism that our current leaders wants us to feel, through their lies, all because of their own guilt. None of them served during the Vietnam era (and those who did aren't in fashion, ask Max Cleland and John Kerry), and are part of our collective national guilt-trip, caused by not giving the proper respect to our soldiers of the time.
Words are Powerful… but words are almost always drowned out by exploding bombs and gun-fire.
So yeah, I hope she is talking about peace.
I hope that she is speaking publicly about her feelings about the current war in Iraq. I hope that she is tearing into the leadership that has caused untold thousands of deaths. I hope she is holding the leadership accountable for it's lies, and it's support of the unforgivable practice of torture. I hope that she is taking the administration to task over it's excuses for making war in Iraq, while it won't send a single platoon to Darfur to protect the people there from genocidal madmen. I hope that she is calling the administration to account for it's support of the criminals Alberto Gonzales and Karl Rove.
I hope so.
I’m like most people when it comes to pictures. When I see a picture, I see what’s there, and unless it is self-explanatory, I immediately start wondering what it is I’m looking at. Again, like most people, I draw immediate conclusions, and again, like most people, I see what I
want to see.
I want to see a person speaking about peace, and I have decided that this is what I am seeing.
God Bless Her for that.