My life is changing in ways (all good) that I wouldn't have imagined when I started blogging five years ago. To be sure, I'm not the same person that I was when I started all of this. For me, writing has been a transformative thing, even though all I wanted to do when I started this was to share some of my random thoughts with others.
When I started my blog, I had no idea that there were actual things like blogging "communities"... I had know idea what a blogging community was until I found myself a member of more than one. In the past five years, I have been welcome in the community of lesbian bloggers, mommy bloggers, dad bloggers, Progressive bloggers, political activist women bloggers, and well, too many to name, but you get my point. My thoughts found like-minded people, and those people made me feel at home.
My blogging has also led me to some things that I never expected:People started soliciting my opinion on books, soap, athletic shoes, books, sunscreen, books, and books. As much as it was fun to review products, I had the most fun reviewing books, even books for which I had not been solicited.
For me, blogging became therapeutic, and sometimes even cathartic, it has also been helpful to some, judging by some of the comments and email that I recieved after one post or another had touched someone.
Blogging was fun, but as in all things, there comes a time to call it quits. So, it is time for my "Gunfighter" persona to retire, as I move on to what comes next for me.
I will be closing this blog effective January 4th, 2011
My friend Becky has always encouraged people to be authentic in their blogging, and I think that I have been that. I have given you my thoughts.... sometimes random, sometimes pointed, sometimes funny, but always truthful and from my heart. I appreciate the fact that some of you have been listening.
As much as this sounds like an acceptance speech at one of the numerous awards shows that I enjoy, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge some people that have been on this ride with me, but it would take too long, and undoubtedly, someone would start playing music to hustle me off the stage, so I will say only the following: For all of the people who were so good as to read and comment at my blog(s), I give heartfelt thanks. For those of you who actually became buddies and even friends, I likewise give you thanks, as our association continues to be a blessing to me.
My blogging efforts have lasted for nearly five years, and believe me when I tell you that I haven't come close to running out of words, but it it is time.... and past time to put my words into greater focus.
Thanks for everything,
Gunfighter Bill
Addendum: As this blog is hosted on a pay-as-you-go server, I have saved a sort of "Best of Gunfighter" sampling here.