Well, that was an interesting election, wasn’t it?
Now, now, fellow Democrats, quit whining and quit with the finger-pointing at the mean ol’ Tea Partiers and Republicans. Those people are not the reason that we lost last night. Neither is it because the people are stupid. It isn’t even because the electorate is racist and trying to dig at Barack Obama. No. It isn’t anyone’s fault but our own.
It is your fault.
It is the fault of the party.
It is the fault of the President.
In this election cycle, the GOP owned the message. The GOP was able to make the case to enough people that the Democrats were spending the country into ruin. The GOP was able to convince the electorate that Speaker Pelosi was/is out of touch. The GOP was able to convince that the electorate that the economy would somehow be better by electing them rather than re-electing Democrats. Personally, I don’t see any of those things as being true (perhaps with the exception about the comment about Pelosi), but as we all know, “truthiness” is all about how you present your “facts”.
Look, we took a beating last night. This is what happens when you sit on your ass and expect people to kiss your ass. You get people like Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio actually elected to the Senate, and John Boehner as Speaker of The House.
The way I see it is that while I know that President Obama is doing a fine job, and you do too. You know, as well as I do, the stimulus DID work. It did what it was supposed to do, infuse enough cash into the economy to slow, and eventually stop the total collapse of our economy. You know as well as I do that the President has handled himself well (with the exception of his handling of DADT)… but what he has not done was to fight.
So what do we do to fix this mess?
Democrats need to learn how to fight. Democrats need to learn how to throw punches as well as take them. Democrats haves to stop being so freakin’ doughy! This is what happened in 2000 and 2004, my friends, Democrats failed to win the Presidency in those years because we had candidates who couldn’t roll up their sleeves and fight. In 2008 we didn’t have to fight as much because the country was sick and tired of Republican failure, and because the Republicans chose a man who wasn’t used to fighting, and a woman who was the worst enemy of their own campaign and party.
Additionally, the President needs to fire whoever it is that is crafting his message, because it isn’t getting out. The President needs to kick some Democrat asses in the Senate, and in the House. The President needs to be heard, and his policies have to be shown to be effective.
Anyway, I am still a little on the sick side, and I don’t want to be at this for to long, so I will close here.
I hope that we learned something last night.