Things that are on my mind this morning:
- I have been listening to a lot of "new" music lately. Not new in the sense that it is even remotely recent, but new in that I have listened to it before, without paying much attention to it, but now I am. Most recently, it has been the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Those guys really rock. My favorites include "Give It Away", "Other Side", and "The Zephyr Song". I like those songs on their total merits, but I especially love the bass-lines.
- I have two remedial shooters this morning. One of them just needs a little tweaking and retraining, since he has been on a foreign assignment for several years, and hasn't had any real training in that time. The other is, I believe, a total mental case. I really don't think that this zombie ought to be in the same room with a gun, let alone have one issued to him. I have brought it up, but the bosses don't listen... probably because nearly all of them really suck when it comes to marksmanship. Police administrators... Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!
- Why is it that the people who complain the loudest about overreaching government were mostly silent when the previous President trampled our Constitution with the God-awful, wasteful, abusive, illegal, "Patriot Act"? Why are all of those people so loud about government spending all of a sudden when they were so silent when our soldiers were being sent to war for no good reasons? Why are the people who were so vocally opposed to those wars so silent now while those wars are still being fought years later... still without good reasons?
- Why did NBC cancel the best new show that they put on this season? Namely, "Trauma". Oh, I remember why, because I LIKED IT! The freakin' kiss of death, I'm tellin' ya.
- I'm getting a new tattoo on May 11th. It's going to look something like this:
- On Wednesday, Soccer Girl and I spent the early evening at our church. She was attending practice for the 5th & 6th grade puppet ministry (which is really cool, and worthy of a post of it's own), while I helped prepare the evening meal. You see, on Wednesday evening there is a shared meal with fellowship time in between puppets and the choir rehearsals, and hand-chime practice for the kids. We had a fine time... our congregation is really awesome! One of the best evenings I have had in a long time.
- I'm listening to Peter Frampton as I type this.
- My dog Charlie is going to the vet on Monday... time to get fixed, boyo. No more humping Soccer Girl's large stuffed animals.
- I had coffee this morning for the first time in weeks.
- I have to mow the lawn this afternoon.
- SoccerGirl's team is 2 wins and 1 tie so far for the season.
- I have Mrs. Gunfighter's Mother's Day present picked out. Yes, I know that you are reading this Susan, and no, I'm not blabbing, thank you very much. (If anyone else wants to know what she is getting, you can email me, and be in on the secret)
- There are 103 days left until our summer vacation. We are really looking forward to it. We need the break.
- The New car rocks.
That's what is on my mind this morning and check this out: I was just informed that neither of my remedial shooters was going to come in this morning, so I have a little time on my hands. My weekend is looking up already!