In democratic societies an awful lot of time gets spent talking about equality. For some reason we seem to think that the concept of equality is important. It's that whole "leveler" mentality... and you know what? I hate it.
You read that right. Good ol' Gunfighter isn't so much for the equality thing. Oh, sure, I believe that people should expect (and receive) equal treatment under the law, but that is where my thoughts on equality pretty much fizzle out.
You see, I believe that the notion of strict equality is damaging to our country. The notion that everyone's opinion is as good as another person's is absolute crap, and is responsible for so much turmoil in the United States today. If you don't believe me, I give you this fine group of people as an example:
The "birthers"
What a bunch of effing morons! Morons, I say. Why is anyone paying any attention to them? Why is anyone giving them air time? Why is anyone paying attention to them in courts of law? I'll tell you why! It's because we cling to the absurd notion that "my opinion is just as good as yours!", and that my friends, is an entire railroad car full of steaming bullshit.
Look, people have opinions based on their previous knowledge of a subject, event, or person, or their education in related areas. People also have visceral reactions to certain stimuli.. the reliable "gut feeling", that people frequently talk about. Opinions, in order to have any sort of validity have to be based on something real, otherwise it's just a notion.
Here is an example. It is my belief that George W. Bush was a failure as a President for a number of reasons, allow me to cite some of them: Our country is involved in two wars that we didn't have to fight; Our economy is in a shambles because Mr. Bush's administration wouldn't hear of regulating the banking industry; and because his administration violated the Constitution on a number of occasions for vague reasons pertaining to "National Security"
Now, you may not agree with those positions, and that's ok, but my opinion in this sense is valid because it is based on tangible things that may be seen different ways by different people.
Here is an example of a non-valid opinion: "George Bush was a GREAT President and will be remembered as such by history. I have nothing to base this on. It's just how I feel."
The whole "birther" movement, and other whackjob movements tend to gain steam amongst the benighted and those who feel themselves to be on the fringes. Much like the old, stupid meme about the American government shipped guns by the carload in L.A. so the Crips and Bloods would go around killing each other, and other black people. Valid? No. Stupid? Yes. Given credence by a bunch of f***ing dummies?, oh, hell yeah.
It is time, my friends, to stop pretending that the opinions of the stupid, are as good as those who... well, aren't stupid. You know you agree with me.
As I said before, I believe that people should be treated the same under the law, without regard to their gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, or what their first language was. Neither do I think that the law should disfavor the stupid (any more than it already does, anyway), but holy moley, do we have to pretend that stupid, invalid opinions aren't exactly that?