This is my first foray into this meme, but I could truly identify with it, because I had one of those "fell in love to this song" experiences when I was a very young man... not much more than a boy, really.
The year? It's 1981.
I was just about to turn 18 in the autumn of 1981, and I was stationed at a military installation in San Antonio for some advanced training. It was my habit (as well as the habit of hundreds of other young enlisted people) to go to the enlisted club on a Saturday night to drink, socialize and dance.
This particular Saturday night was like all of the others in that I went to the club with my buddies, consumed a bit more alcohol than my almost 18-year-old-self probably should have had, and dnaced with any number of girls. When the evening was about to end, and we were about to leave, a song came on (I don't remember it now) and one of the guys with us turned around and darted back onto the dance floor, because it was time to do "The Bus Stop", which was a popular line dance at the time... think the "Electric Slide" before there was an electric slide. You with me?
Anyway, a couple of the other guys went back out to dance, while I stayed in the lobby, waitnig for them to finish. What happened next was... well, a first for yours truly. A pretty young woman came up to me, and said that she was waiting for her friends, too... so we proceeded with boy meets girl. Boy and girl get on famously for 20 minutes while waiting for their groups of friends. As friends come back into the lobby, the Rick James and Tina Marie classic hit "Fire and Desire" comes on. Young boy and slightly older girl (ok, woman, she was twenty) have a dance and... well... the details don't matter, really (get your minds out of the gutter... we were together for five months and nothing like THAT happened), but, by the end of the evening we were both all entwined, kissy-face, and in loooove.
When I left Texas for my next assignment, we made promises of love and forever... of course, that only lasted until we both met other people while she remained in Texas, and I went overseas for nearly 4 years.
I still think about that night whenever I hear that song. It was a time of near-total innocence. A truly happy memory.
I hope that life has treated you well, Maria.
This post has been done in conjunction with Old School Friday.