Hello all.
My new blog-pal, Anno has sent me some interview guestions to answer for her... here are my answers:
1. I just read your Thanksgiving post, and despite the fact that I've already had a wonderful Thanksgiving feast with a delicious wild mushroom bread pudding, I'm salivating over your corn bread stuffing. You cook. You coach soccer. You have a demanding job, and you are a dedicated husband and father. Not to mention the fact that you write thoughtful and interesting posts that happen to be fun to read. What don't you do?
I don't yodel, nor do I play the guitar. One of those things would make me very happy. I'll let you take a guess at which one.
Oh, I don't gamble, either.
2. And with all that you do, what motivated you to begin blogging?
Becuase I am a narcissist? I blog because I like to write... and I want to be heard! (and all the cool kids are blogging, too!)
3. What are five things you hope to see happen in 2008?
1. All American troops leaving Iraq
2. George W. Bush & Dick Cheney impeached, and then indicted and tried for crimes against humanity. (Surely, illegally, and immorally causing the deaths of nearly half a million people has to be worse crime than lying about a blowjob. I mean, REALLY!)
3. Dennis Kucinich, Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Al Gore, or John Edwards, elected President of The United States.
4. The Price of gasoline to come down to something close to $2 per gallon.
5. Get my next tattoo (I want to do this by June).
4. Al Capone once famously said, "You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone." What's your take on the role of guns and diplomacy?
I believe that guns CAN be a part of diplomacy. Sometimes diplomacy includes talking tough. You can't talk tough if you can't fight... it's seldom effective. Having said all of that, I certainly don't think that diplomacy should go anything like this: "Do what we say, or we are invading your country"
5. Any plans for the further adventures of Hamish MacDonald and Abigail Carter?
Funny you should mention them, because I was back at it last night, while I was waiting for SoccerGirl's Brownie Meeting to end. Mac and Abbie will be back, rest assured!