Some of you have asked me about this, and since I have spoken about it, breiefly, several times in this blog. I'll just give you the whole story right now.
Whe I was a kid, I watched all of the old Star Trek episodes whenever I could. Not only because of my interest in Science Fiction, but also because Captian Kirk, of the starship Enterprise, was one of my role models.
Go on and laugh, but please take a moment to read my reasons. Captain Kirk was one of my most important role models because of the following:
Because he was a leader.
Because he was confident.
Because he was a man of courage.
Because he commanded loyalty and respect from his people, and gave them the same.
Becaus he was bold enough to break the rules when he needed to.
Because you could always count on him.
Because he didn't abandon his people.
Because he was funny.
Because he was a bad mutha****** ("shut your mouth!" "but we're talkin' 'bout Kirk!"... please tell me you get the reference)
Because he wouldn't let himself be pushed around (not even by the Klingons).
Because Jim Kirk always got the hot chicks.
...and finally, because even the Tribbles liked the guy... and Tribbles were a great judge of character.
Look, my parents divorced when I was five. My dad was still in the military and was rarely around. I learned a lot of what a man was suppose to be from negative example. Every saturday afternoon (at 5 p.m.) Kirk was always there. He never let me down.
I like to think I possess a lot of the qualities that were embodied in the James T. Kirk character.
I could do one hell of a lot worse.